Will God Protect from Harm? Prince of Peace

Shepherd and sheep - Will God Protect from Harm?

There are many scriptures with the promises of God about not leaving us alone in times of trouble – He has promised us that we will never see evil. If we look today, bad things are happening in the world and it is affecting the Christians too. This has made people start to question the … Read more

Which Bible is the easiest to understand? Essential Reading

Book shelf - Which Bible is the easiest to understand

With so many Bible translations is it hard to know which one to choose. Some denominations will be strictly KJV only and there is a modern translation called the NKJV. The Bible is such a complicated book that it takes a number of reads to be able to understand it, but is there a version … Read more

Which Bible has the Book of Enoch? Extraordinary Man

Open books laid out - Which Bible has the Book of Enoch?

The book of Enoch is not widely known amongst Christians as it is not part of the Bible Canon. Enoch was a righteous man that walked with God so it would be fascinating to know more about him, but is the book of Enoch a part of any Bible collection? The Bible canon has been … Read more

What Jesus Says About Forgiveness: Ultimate Love

Flower in open hands - What Jesus Says About Forgiveness

Jesus taught us a lot about forgiveness. In fact, the reason He came to earth was to save us from our sins. He became a sin sacrifice for us and through Him God forgives our sins.  God forgave you when you accepted Christ and washed away your sins. He expects you to forgive others like … Read more

What is fear according to the Bible? Faith Overcomes Fear

A woman praying -What is fear according to the Bible?

There are different misconceptions about the meaning of dear and what the bible describes it as. When we hear the word “fear”, the first thing that comes to the mind is to be afraid of something or to be scared of something that can inflict harm on someone. We have read in the bible much … Read more

What Bible was before the Geneva Bible? Ultimate Sacred Word

Old Bible - What Bible was before the Geneva Bible?

There are many translations of the Bible, the ESV, NIV, KJV to name a few. Many will associate the KJV as being one of the oldest Bible translations. But before the KJV was the Geneva Bible, but what Bible was before the Geneva Bible? When one person translates a text from one language to another, … Read more